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The holidays are a wonderful time, but it can also be exhausting, especially with all the people coming in and out of your home. Guests and family members will use your plumbing and may put things that don’t belong down your garbage disposal. While the holidays are exciting, your home will need some care after the season is over, and your plumbing, in particular, will have to recover.

The following tips will help refresh your home plumbing after the holidays:

Visually Inspect Your Plumbing

You need to give everything a visual once-over so that you can detect any new leaks, stains, or cracks that were not there before everyone came through your home. Inspect the hardware in your bathrooms and kitchen and run your garbage disposal to see if there are any weird signs. Run the water in all the drains to make sure it’s disappearing properly, and if you notice anything problematic, you will be able to fix it before the issue becomes more serious.

Invest In Professional Drain Cleaning

This will not only clear things out, it will also leave your drains looking and feeling their best, so you will save money in the long run because this service will help you avoid future problems like clogs and leaks. Treating your plumbing to a professional drain cleaning is a great idea because it will make a big difference.

Refill The Salt In Your Water Softener

When you have a lot of visitors, you will end up using more water than usual, and your in-home water softener will feel this difference, so you will have to provide it with additional salt. The size of your brine tank and the way your water is feeling will determine whether or not your water softener needs more salt, as will the amount of salt that has been used. To figure this out, you simply have to take a look, and you’ll have your answer.

Clean Your Hardware

Giving your hardware a nice, thorough bath will make a difference and will allow them to last longer. They will also look better as well, so make sure you clean your faucets, showerheads, and drain openings after the holidays.

Clean Out Your Garbage Disposal

Most guests will do their best to treat your home with care, but some will forget and will throw anything down your garbage disposal. Cleaning this out after the holidays is a great idea, so make sure you disconnect the power first by unplugging it and look inside to see if there are objects that don’t belong. Remove these items with a set of tongs, and do not stick your hand in the disposal, even if it’s unplugged. Throw some ice cubes in the disposal and reconnect your unit, after which you should turn it on so that it can chop up the ice cubes. Run water down your drain as it does this to help clear grime from the blades.

The experts at Aslan Plumbing will take care of all of your plumbing needs. We offer a number of services, including sewer and drain cleaning, and are one of the top plumbing companies in the Winnipeg area. If you are looking for reputable plumbers, contact us today!